The Blue Shirt

Story told by Manolis Papamanolis

Manolis Papamanolis
Manolis Papamanolis

One day a group of us wanted to go to Saria. We came down from Olympos with all our things and loaded them into a boat. We boarded the boat and were ready to leave. Now it so happened I was wearing a blue shirt. The Italians didn’t like us to wear blue because they knew it was the Greek national colour. One of the Finanzeris (the Finanza were the Italian port police) calls me.

“Hey, you. You in blue! Get out!”

I jump out of the boat and go to see what he wants.

“Didn’t you have another shirt?”


“Then you must walk!”

What could I do? I set off but not before I had spoken to the others under my breath. I walked to Vananda and they were waiting for me. They picked me up and we all sailed off to Saria, blue shirt as well!!!