Use our standard text below to email Adina Vălean, the European Commissioner for Transport.
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Request for action to enforce European Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2004
Dear Ms Vălean,
I request and require the European Commission to uphold and enforce the terms of ‘European Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2004’ with regard to the Greek law ‘Government Gazette, A’ 84/13.04.2020’ which attempts to override provisions of the higher European law.
In respect of Article 8 of ‘European Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2004’ i.e. the right to choose ‘reimbursement with seven days’, I require the following of the European Commission in order to ensure the rights of individual citizens are not subordinated by the interests of influential big business or governments with vested interests.
1. To take swift, firm and decisive action to force the Greek government to rescind those clauses of ‘Government Gazette, A’ 84/13.04.2020’ which are in conflict with ‘European Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2004’.
2. To take legal action against Aegean Airlines to force its adherence to the higher European law in respect of providing timely reimbursement for cancelled flights.
3. To censure the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority over its failure to carry out its duty as the appointed Greek ‘national authority’ charged with ensuring compliance with ‘European Commission Regulation (EC) No 261/2004’.
I look forward to your confirmation that the European Commission is taking the appropriate action on this matter.
Best regards